We are aware that a child's development in the pre-school period is of utmost importance, which is why in our kindergarten we provide children with the most stimulating environment possible that leads to optimal development.

In addition to the Montessori pedagogy and English-speaking assistants, we also carry out the following additional activities.


✨ December, zadnji mesec v letu, je vedno nekaj posebnega. In letos smo si ga pričarali prav čarobnega! ✨

Veselo smo se pripravljali na bazar, pekli piškote 🍪, izdelovali čokolade 🍫, mila 🧼, balzame za ustnice 💋, šivali in seveda ustvarjali voščilnice in okrasili naše sobe 🎄. Vsak teden smo imeli tudi “domačo nalogo” 📚. Otroci so skupaj s starši čez vikend uživali v naravi 🌲, kuhali 👩‍🍳 in brali 📖, fotografije pa so poslali vzgojiteljicam, mi pa smo jih z veseljem gledali in se o njih pogovarjali.

In seveda nismo pozabili na dobrodelnost 💖. Na bazarju smo zbrali lep izkupiček za družino v stiski 🤝. Zbirali smo tudi hrano 🍝 in higienske pripomočke 🧴 za Anino zvezdico. Prineseno smo odnesli v skladišče, kjer smo pripravili pakete za družine, da jim vsaj malo polepšamo praznični čas 🎁.

Želimo vam čudovite praznike in vse dobro v novem letu! 🎉🎆


🍂 V novembru so nas preko projekta Erasmus+ obiskale študentke iz Francije 🇫🇷. Skupaj smo spoznavali jezik, znamenitosti Francije, okusno hrano 🍰 in spekli smo odlično pito 🥧.

November smo izkoristili tudi za “velika dela”! 💪 Spoznavali smo črke, veliko pisali ✍️, računali ➗ in še marsikaj drugega. Tako kot v vseh slovenskih vrtcih, smo imeli tudi mi tradicionalni slovenski zajtrk 🍞, v sklopu spoznavanja zdrave hrane pa nas je obiskala zobna asistentka iz ZD Bežigrad 🦷, ki nam je povedala nekaj dejstev o zdravem načinu življenja, pravilnem umivanju rok in zob. Seveda nismo pozabili niti na obisk gozda 🌲.

Sedaj pa že nestrpno pričakujemo veseli december! 🎄✨


🎉 Z velikim veseljem in ponosom smo v petek sprejeli certifikat Združenja Montessori! 🌱✨

Ta dosežek je rezultat trdega dela, predanosti in želje po nenehnem učenju ter izboljševanju. Z veseljem bomo še naprej spodbujali Montessori vrednote, ki temeljijo na spoštovanju, svobodi in individualnem razvoju otrok. 👧👦

Hvala vsem, ki ste nas podpirali na tej poti! 💖🌟


Starši, iščete priložnost, da vašemu dojenčku omogočite najboljši začetek? Pridružite se našim brezplačnim montessori delavnicam! 👶❤️

🍼 Kaj lahko pričakujete?
✔️ Posebne Montessori aktivnosti za dojenčke (0-12 mesecev), ki spodbujajo naravni razvoj.
✔️ Spodbujanje naravnega učenja.

✔️ Uporabne nasvete za starše, kako ustvariti okolje, kjer otrok raste in se uči s svojo radovednostjo.
✔️ Delavnice vodi montessori pedagoginja Manca Artač.

📍 Kdaj in kje?
🌍 Delavnice bodo potekale v našem montessori vrtcu Modra pikica – Ljubljana Bežigrad.
🕦 Vsak četrtek od 7. 11. do 28. 11. med 9. in 11. uro.

👉 Prijava je obvezna zaradi omejenega števila mest. Za več informacij in prijavo nam pišite v zasebno sporočilo.

Ne zamudite te čudovite priložnosti za vašega malčka! 🎉


🎃 Oktober nam bo še dolgo ostal v lepem spominu. Začeli smo ga z obiskom policijske postaje, zaključili pa z izrezovanjem buč. Ampak pojdimo lepo po vrsti … 😊

🍁 Glasbene urice: Z mesecem oktobrom smo začeli z glasbenimi uricami. Ker so otroci različno stari, se teh uric udeležujejo v različnih skupinah. Kaj pa počnejo ostali? Pripravljajo popoldansko malico! 🥪 Vsak torek zadišijo dobre in zdrave dobrote, ki jih pripravimo z lastnimi prstki. 👩‍🍳👨‍🍳

🏊 Plavalni tečaj: Da ne bi pozabili vseh vodnih trikov do poletja, smo se za en teden odpravili na plavalni tečaj. Bilo je zabavno in poučno – naučili smo se veliko novega! 🌊 Komaj čakamo pomlad, da se znova vrnemo v Atlantis. 🌞

🍂 Jesenska ustvarjalnost: Medtem ko so šolarji uživali v počitnicah, smo mi ustvarjali! Garderobo smo okrasili z jesensko dekoracijo, igrišče pa popestrili z bučami. 🎨🎃

Zdaj pa že z navdušenjem pričakujemo vse dogodivščine, ki jih bo prinesel november! ✨🍀


Adijo september, mi smo se imeli čudovito.

Prvi mesec, ko se vsi vrnemo s počitnic je res nekaj posebnega. Spletajo se nova poznanstva in vsi polni elana začnemo z delom.

In zakaj je september še tako poseben? Ker je v tem času tudi Evropski teden mobilnosti in športa. Zato smo tudi pri nas spoznali in se preizkusili v različnih športih 🏃🚴🤸‍♀️, obiskali smo AMZS in se zabavali.

Obiskali smo knjižnico, kar bo postala kar naša mesečna praksa in seveda nismo pozabili obeležiti svetovnega dneva miru. 🕊️

Seveda nismo pozabili niti na obisk gozda. Sedaj pa smo pripravljeni na čisto pravi jesenski mesec, oktober, se te že veselimo.


An introduction to music according to Edgar Willems's methodology allows for
a comprehensive and systematic approach to music education in early childhood.
Through guided activities, the children develop musical skills and acquire basic musical knowledge.
The programme encompasses two levels and is intended for children from the age of 4 onwards.
Each lesson is divided into four parts: auditory perception, rhythm recognition and performance, singing songs, and natural body movements.
Auditory perception refers to the children learning to compare sounds by using bells, repeating and inventing low and high tones etc.
As for rhythm, the children learn it through playing relaxing games and performing rhythmic sequences using their hands or percussion tools.
The central part of the lesson is the one when the children sing songs; they learn and perform a variety of folk and original songs,
all of which are both musically and content-wise suitable for preschool children.
The singing is often accompanied by the usage of small instruments.
At the end of each lesson, the children relax by moving their bodies to the music, e.g. walking, running, jumping, galloping, hopping etc.
By participating in these music lessons, the children develop their musical taste
and shape their attitude towards music and art in a broader sense.
The music lessons are taught by Mojca K. Sušnik, a professional Willems teacher and musicologist. These lessons are held in the morning and free of charge, and are intended for children from the age of 4 onwards.


Early development and early stimulation are key factors in child development. The brain develops at a powerful rate until the age of 7, and then until the age of 12, so during this period, using appropriate exercises and activities can help children in developing their biological potential. Each NTC workshop is composed so that it contains elements that develop complex motor activities, mental categorisation, mental seriation and association, the development of divergent and convergent thinking, as well as functional knowledge. During these workshops, the children have meaningful tasks at hand; they have to both think and play.

The workshops are run by Jan Peljhan, held in the morning and free of charge.


Since movement and contact with nature are both extremely important in child development, we go on walks in the neighbourhood of the kindergarten as often as possible. Twice a month, we take a bus and go to the forest, where the children can freely explore, have guided activities or simply train in the various movement challenges presented by nature. The kindergarten takes part in various Erasmus+ projects, so our employees regularly exchange good practices with different kindergartens across Europe.


Our kindergarten runs a swimming course twice a year in cooperation with "Vodno mesto Atlantis" water park, and a skiing course once a year (provided that the winter conditions are suitable) at the Šentjošt nad Horjulom ski resort.


Every year during Mobility Week, we visit AMZS, the Automobile and Motorcycle Association of Slovenia. We also visit Bežigrad Library several times a year, and we don't forget about dental prevention in cooperation with Bežigrad Health Centre. However, our favourite visit is definitely the one to the fire department. 🚒

We also cooperate with the Red Cross, in the "Naj srček spet bije" (May the heart beat again) project and many others.

We always remember to celebrate the International Day of Peace, Children's Week, the Traditional Slovenian Breakfast Day and Earth Day.


In addition to the typical formal interactions, such as the parent-teacher meetings, we make sure to provide other, more relaxed occasions for cooperation.

At the beginning of each school year, we organise a so-called 'chestnut picnic' that makes it easier for everyone to get to know each other better. Our traditional New Year's Bazaar follows soon after – a primarily charity-themed event which doubles as a wonderful event to celebrate the end of the year. Each December, we also collect food to donate to Anina Zvezdica; last year we even paid them a visit and distributed the food we brought ourselves in their warehouse! ✨

We welcome the New Year by hosting an evening at the kindergarten for the moms and another one for the dads. These are two very special evenings during which the children are joined by one of their parents and have an opportunity to show them what they enjoy doing most each morning at the kindergarten. This way, the parents get to peak into our everyday lives in a wonderful way. 🥰

Finally, towards the end of the school year, we usually all go on a light hike on a hill, together with our parents and siblings.🌳


Every year, when the school year comes to an end, the children spending their last year in kindergarten have a chance to sleep over at the kindergarten, where they have lots of wonderful fun. 🥳Treasure hunting and grilling hot dogs are always a crucial part of our special evening.


Reading is an essential part of our everyday life.
Every day we read Slovenian and English books to the children before nap time, plus at all times there is a wide selection of books available in the rooms' book corners.
In addition to this, we also carry out Živa Ribičič's new book club programme, which is free for parents and children of Modra Pikica.
The parents only pay for the book (it is possible to borrow it, though) and the applicable entry fees for the activity (e.g. entrance to the zoo).
The book club is available for both age groups (for children from their birth onwards), but always adapted to the specific age group in question.
It is an innovative and original programme, the first of its kind in Slovenia.


For more information, please contact us and we will be happy to answer all questions. We look forward to working with you.

The child's age*:
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