A journey from hoping to trusting

Allow me to tell you how our kindergarten was born. The story is quite long, as it begins long ago, in the year 1971, when I was born.
But let's skip over a few years and continue the story in 2016, when I was already a mother of three and an experienced teaching professional, since I have been in education for three decades now.
Even at that time, I already had a lot of experience under my belt.
I hold the highest title of Senior Fellow in education,
I have coordinated a European project that won the European Language Label award specifically in the field of preschool education (early language development),
and I have been thoroughly familiar with Erasmus+ projects since the time of their predecessors.
My work as a headteacher began at the Institute for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, where I was in charge of the primary school and the kindergarten, working with a large number of children and employees.
It was at that time that I passed the headteacher exam.
My professional journey then led me to planning and managing various European projects, which I started doing in 2002.
I gained a vast knowledge of education at all levels, from preschool to adult education.
But what I was most excited about was working with children.

Throughout the years, I have gained invaluable experience in the field of special education, especially within the fields of autism and deafness.
I am proud to be a certified interpreter for Slovenian sign language.
I've had the opportunity to become familiar with the educational systems of many European countries through numerous Erasmus+ projects.
What I've been most fascinated by are Dr Ranko Rajović's NTC system and the forest kindergarten system.
Around that time I learned about Montessori pedagogy and was so impressed and enthusiastic about it that when my youngest daughter Luna was born,
I started thinking about starting my own kindergarten and began to follow this wonderful pedagogy in raising my daughter as well.
As Maria Montessori said: "Help me do it myself."
I embarked on this new journey from the very beginning, that is by enrolling in teaching studies, which I completed in 2016.
I became a certified Montessori educator for children aged 3 to 6.
It was around then that I adopted Maria Montessori's perspective that "The child is a hope for mankind."
A few other Montessori educators joined my story, thus making it OUR story.
In 2016, hoping gave rise to trusting. Trusting parents to enroll their child in our kindergarten.
We always associate our hope with the trust of all parents, grandparents,
Erasmus+ students and teachers, Montessori students who collaborate with us, but most importantly:
They trust us so much that they are happy, curious and relaxed with us.
We follow the principles of Montessori pedagogy together.
The children enjoy the puzzles, loops and movements of the NTC system developed by Ranko Rajović, founder of the Nikola Tesla Centre and a personal friend and colleague of mine.
Additionally, we also include the principles of positive discipline and forest pedagogy.
A few years that are particularly important to me are 1993, 1998, and 2013.
Those are the years when my three children were born, and my grandson was born in 2022.

And our kindergarten is my fourth child.

Please enjoy reading the content on this website, and feel free to give me a call at any time.

Živa Ribičič

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